Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Friendster VS Facebook VS ME

I declare the battle between Friendster and Facebook a tied failure!

These are my reasons why?

When the whole craze of Friendster arose within my friends when I was in high school, I found it rude and appalling to have a webpage of which the users of the internet could view you and judge you, however on the other side of my critic I grew ever interested in this new age of keeping in contact with friends you meet everyday and even more friends whom you have lost contact with.

Virtual communities, the bright side lies upon the fact that you can relate to other on various levels, for instance same interest or even similarities in the choice of clothing brands. However my interest only lasted as long as a Castle St. party would, it faded away as I began to realize that there were so many users whom portrayed them selves in other people shoes. My friends weren’t really my friends, in a sense that their profiles were written clearly to attract people; there were advertisements on the internet the only difference is they do not keep on popping up on your desktop asking you some silly question.

Just recently the craze of Facebook has taken over, it’s a level or may I say a thousand levels above Friendster is and will ever be. How did this happen? Whatever it may have been that cause this up roar, I openly believe that these examples of virtual communities is a platform of which user indulge in to feel god about them selves.

I hope I have not offended anyone, but I still believe in reality, the dying truth!

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