Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Friendster VS Facebook VS ME

I declare the battle between Friendster and Facebook a tied failure!

These are my reasons why?

When the whole craze of Friendster arose within my friends when I was in high school, I found it rude and appalling to have a webpage of which the users of the internet could view you and judge you, however on the other side of my critic I grew ever interested in this new age of keeping in contact with friends you meet everyday and even more friends whom you have lost contact with.

Virtual communities, the bright side lies upon the fact that you can relate to other on various levels, for instance same interest or even similarities in the choice of clothing brands. However my interest only lasted as long as a Castle St. party would, it faded away as I began to realize that there were so many users whom portrayed them selves in other people shoes. My friends weren’t really my friends, in a sense that their profiles were written clearly to attract people; there were advertisements on the internet the only difference is they do not keep on popping up on your desktop asking you some silly question.

Just recently the craze of Facebook has taken over, it’s a level or may I say a thousand levels above Friendster is and will ever be. How did this happen? Whatever it may have been that cause this up roar, I openly believe that these examples of virtual communities is a platform of which user indulge in to feel god about them selves.

I hope I have not offended anyone, but I still believe in reality, the dying truth!

The Broken Condom

Various important sectors that service our public daily use the innovations of computers and the internet to store, transfer, and compile raw data. Information traveling across the internet does not really have to worry about worldly problem such as an accident, speeding tickets, or a broken condom, in fact the faster it travels across to the receiver the better. With this in mind, how safe is our personal information such as bank account number or passwords?

It has prevailed to be extremely convenient to use the internet to purchase products online, and do a little banking; however with the rise of hackers over the years how safe are we?

It reads on the back of a condom packet that it will not act as a 100% contraceptive, in this regard how much do you trust keying in your credit card number and pin onto an online account to purchase pornography or a teddy bear? The internet maybe such a wonderful place, however just like reality all things must come to and end.

Hackers = Criminals

I always had this image of hackers as, overweight, mid 30’s, jobless, however very intelligent people who are angry with the world and have an awful amount of free time on their hands. “An idle mind is the devils work shop”

As human beings we tend to find interesting yet odd ways to amuse out selves during the little intermissions in our life which I like to call BUMMING TIME. Within these periods we figure out ways to either enjoy our life or simply make the life of other beings a living hell.

Hackers exist for various reasons; however no good can come about hacking into another person’s life. Nothing is safe regardless of it being in reality or virtual reality the both lives that many of us lead is constantly under surveillance.

The Hibernating Population

I believe the world has fallen asleep and woken up within the walls of this great epiphany know as the internet. Day by day we indulge our self in this unbelievably realistic world of communicating with the world, for example the emergence of networks on the internet has made it possible for the communication of people of the same culture, interest, idea, and language.

With the availability of the internet and the convenience it has grown into, it isn’t common that people spend more than 12 hours a day online. Whether it maybe logged onto a chat engine or just plainly surfing the net, many of us have become more comfortable in this virtual platform that we have in reality. Being logged onto the World Wide Web allows users to crate a façade that may sometimes be a perfect reflection of themselves in reality or just a modified image of what they would like to be.

This mentioned scenario could possible relate to the concept of users, networks and structures.


  • Ordinary human begins who choose or are influence to live a second life (virtual).
  • People whom face segregation from society.
  • Groups of individual who do not fit into the characteristics of being normal.


  • Online society platforms that suggest and support certain groups.
  • General platforms which users can join or form a group.
  • Online database that host a platform to keep in contact or make new friends.
  • Gaming platforms


  • Forum leaders, bloggers, online journalist and other forms of web host.

These 3 categories work in accord to create a virtual world of which users can relate to on a daily basis.