Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Digital America - So sad!!

The notion of first world countries and third world countries is quite vague if you ask me...

The concept of a developed country and a developing country works in accord with the notion of the digital divide.

America claims to be developed! undoubtedly it is a developed nation but only if you consider their wealth and mere size of its technological industry. However once you take a look at its people, you begin to realize that they aren't really developed socially and mentally. The closed minded nation, speak to an uneducated american or even a partially educated american and you will know what im talking about. I told an american once that I am from Malaysia, he turned around and asked me "Oh how is winter like in Malaysia?" I told him it was beautiful, mind you he was a 4th year student!! And malaysia as a tropical country. Why the use of having so much technology and availability of it when it is being put to the wrong use. Is having a computer in every household vital for the 21st century? It may be vital but is it worth loosing your culture and morals for it?

humans never want to take responsibility for them selves!! When are we going to stop blaming the gun for the murder?

Eg. A kid spends a significant amount of time playing a role playing game that involves violence... tow days later he goes out and buys a gun and shoots a load of his classmates and teachers. lawyers and parents instantly point a finger at the game and what it promotes.

Ohh come on get a load of your own kids life!! To think that you are willing to expose them to all the luxury of technology, but not willing to take the blame??

With this in mind I do not see how societies in third world countries are loosing out? There will always be a digital divide, between those whom have and those who don't. Or is this a question of wealth...In one period you have the British colonizing the current third world countries and now you have them coming back and taking pity on them...for pete sakes make up your mind already.

This digital divide is good in ways...Most third world countries are better off in terms of culture and belief..they are not killing themselves or anyone else after playing GTA on their PS3....

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