Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I'll be back!!!!

How crazy is Kevin Warwick? Its unbelievable what science can do to someone...I'm assuming that he has spent half of his carrier researching this entier operation and finally decided to carry it out upon him self.

We humans have always been facinated with cyborgs and the light of the terminator! Well I wouldnt consider Warwich a terminator, however a pretty facinating person! How many researchers out there are willing to be their own lab rat!! and carry out their research upon them selves? Not many I beleive.

According to a CNN report;

"Surgeons implanted a silicon square about 3mm wide into an incision in Warwick's left wrist and attached its 100 electrodes, each as thin as a hair, into the median nerve." - CNN

How impresive is this, to be honest I wouldnt undergo this surgery at any point of my live...I still think that there should be a fine line between humans and human with electronic chips in them! Science and medical reseachers may disagree with me because there are existing humans which depend on electronic chips to keep them alive eg. artificial limbs.

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