Tuesday, May 27, 2008

"The World In the Palms of Your Hand"

Picture this!!

You walk into a store that sells clothes, and instantly your preference of color is detected and so is your style and size by the computer at the shop. Wait there is more, just imagine you were browsing a fashion magazine on your PDA just before you entered the store and you saw a look that you really liked, how cool would it be if the store could pick that up and suggest something that would match what you just saw? the list is endless if you think about it, they could possibly know how much you have in your back account and work out a budget for you---

Freaky but true...
When such technologically advances (RFID) are made to be incorporated in to an individuals life the question of security arises, how much information should be available to the receiver, how safe is your personal information? do we become a separate entity when there is a super computer within out skin or in our pockets.

I use the Malaysia identification card(Smart Card) as an example, we have a chip built in which allows us to store data and applications such as;

  1. National Identification
  2. Medical Records
  3. Drivers License
  4. Bank account details (Also can act as a ATM card)
  5. Still under discussion - Affiliation of the Malaysian Passport into this all -in-one ID card.
Fact be told it does make life easier, in the sense you only need to be responsible for one item instead of carrying around an entire wallet filled with individual cards. But the question is how safe it is to incorporated so much information into a single card.

Over they 5 years that the Smart Card has gone through much failures in certain sectors, authorities in change have certainly developed an innovation product but they also hired a bunch of monkeys to issue, and look over it. A simple process of collecting data and placing them into the right places takes the authorities almost 3 months to complete, to think that if they took that long, they would have made sure that everything is sounds with the card.....NOPE!!!

Eg. A Indian Malaysia, who was born an Indian, and followed the Hindu religion since he was born, was miss placed as an Islam and was forced to be buried in a Muslim cemetery when he passed away !! I would say this is a form of corruption in Malaysia. by law if a Islam/ muslim person passes, they have to be buried in a Muslim cemetery and their earthly belonging will be taking by the government. How silly is this?? As a Malaysian who is not Islam Or Muslim I / the other cannot say much because Malaysia is on it way to becoming an Islamic state but still wants to be recognized as a multi cultured and raced nations..

implementation of new technology seems easy enough but i reckon that human still have a lot to consider in terms of incorporating various parts of their life into a single card or chip! We may be smart enough to invent a computer but how is it the computer has taking that supremacy of intelligence away from us...

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