Tuesday, May 27, 2008

"The World In the Palms of Your Hand"

Picture this!!

You walk into a store that sells clothes, and instantly your preference of color is detected and so is your style and size by the computer at the shop. Wait there is more, just imagine you were browsing a fashion magazine on your PDA just before you entered the store and you saw a look that you really liked, how cool would it be if the store could pick that up and suggest something that would match what you just saw? the list is endless if you think about it, they could possibly know how much you have in your back account and work out a budget for you---

Freaky but true...
When such technologically advances (RFID) are made to be incorporated in to an individuals life the question of security arises, how much information should be available to the receiver, how safe is your personal information? do we become a separate entity when there is a super computer within out skin or in our pockets.

I use the Malaysia identification card(Smart Card) as an example, we have a chip built in which allows us to store data and applications such as;

  1. National Identification
  2. Medical Records
  3. Drivers License
  4. Bank account details (Also can act as a ATM card)
  5. Still under discussion - Affiliation of the Malaysian Passport into this all -in-one ID card.
Fact be told it does make life easier, in the sense you only need to be responsible for one item instead of carrying around an entire wallet filled with individual cards. But the question is how safe it is to incorporated so much information into a single card.

Over they 5 years that the Smart Card has gone through much failures in certain sectors, authorities in change have certainly developed an innovation product but they also hired a bunch of monkeys to issue, and look over it. A simple process of collecting data and placing them into the right places takes the authorities almost 3 months to complete, to think that if they took that long, they would have made sure that everything is sounds with the card.....NOPE!!!

Eg. A Indian Malaysia, who was born an Indian, and followed the Hindu religion since he was born, was miss placed as an Islam and was forced to be buried in a Muslim cemetery when he passed away !! I would say this is a form of corruption in Malaysia. by law if a Islam/ muslim person passes, they have to be buried in a Muslim cemetery and their earthly belonging will be taking by the government. How silly is this?? As a Malaysian who is not Islam Or Muslim I / the other cannot say much because Malaysia is on it way to becoming an Islamic state but still wants to be recognized as a multi cultured and raced nations..

implementation of new technology seems easy enough but i reckon that human still have a lot to consider in terms of incorporating various parts of their life into a single card or chip! We may be smart enough to invent a computer but how is it the computer has taking that supremacy of intelligence away from us...

Digital America - So sad!!

The notion of first world countries and third world countries is quite vague if you ask me...

The concept of a developed country and a developing country works in accord with the notion of the digital divide.

America claims to be developed! undoubtedly it is a developed nation but only if you consider their wealth and mere size of its technological industry. However once you take a look at its people, you begin to realize that they aren't really developed socially and mentally. The closed minded nation, speak to an uneducated american or even a partially educated american and you will know what im talking about. I told an american once that I am from Malaysia, he turned around and asked me "Oh how is winter like in Malaysia?" I told him it was beautiful, mind you he was a 4th year student!! And malaysia as a tropical country. Why the use of having so much technology and availability of it when it is being put to the wrong use. Is having a computer in every household vital for the 21st century? It may be vital but is it worth loosing your culture and morals for it?

humans never want to take responsibility for them selves!! When are we going to stop blaming the gun for the murder?

Eg. A kid spends a significant amount of time playing a role playing game that involves violence... tow days later he goes out and buys a gun and shoots a load of his classmates and teachers. lawyers and parents instantly point a finger at the game and what it promotes.

Ohh come on get a load of your own kids life!! To think that you are willing to expose them to all the luxury of technology, but not willing to take the blame??

With this in mind I do not see how societies in third world countries are loosing out? There will always be a digital divide, between those whom have and those who don't. Or is this a question of wealth...In one period you have the British colonizing the current third world countries and now you have them coming back and taking pity on them...for pete sakes make up your mind already.

This digital divide is good in ways...Most third world countries are better off in terms of culture and belief..they are not killing themselves or anyone else after playing GTA on their PS3....

Copy MY rights!!!

The way i look at it copyright laws are there to protect those whom want to be protected, take for instance Paris Hilton whom copyrighted the phrase "Thats Hot"? how about terms such as Bling Bling which have become part of most english dictionaries. By the looks of it, anything in this age and era can be copyrighted and belong to an individual / organization.

In regards to the remix culture which encourages for instance artist to sample, copy, and use specific features of an already existing tune - I do not see anything wrong with that, it is pretty common for consumers to prefer a remix version of a song compared to the original. I just see it as added value and sharing of wealth.

If Madonna produces a song which does not make it onto the charts, wouldn't it be a wise things for her to bring along someone like Justine Timberlake to feat. in her song? I am not trying to say that Justine T. popularity over shadows Madonna, incorporating two great artist to worked on one possibly failed song is perfectly fine. Most American artist are Green Back chasers anyways....

Is the notion and concept of copyrights and intellectual property really that important?

check out this link... pretty interesting


I'll be back!!!!

How crazy is Kevin Warwick? Its unbelievable what science can do to someone...I'm assuming that he has spent half of his carrier researching this entier operation and finally decided to carry it out upon him self.

We humans have always been facinated with cyborgs and the light of the terminator! Well I wouldnt consider Warwich a terminator, however a pretty facinating person! How many researchers out there are willing to be their own lab rat!! and carry out their research upon them selves? Not many I beleive.

According to a CNN report;

"Surgeons implanted a silicon square about 3mm wide into an incision in Warwick's left wrist and attached its 100 electrodes, each as thin as a hair, into the median nerve." - CNN

How impresive is this, to be honest I wouldnt undergo this surgery at any point of my live...I still think that there should be a fine line between humans and human with electronic chips in them! Science and medical reseachers may disagree with me because there are existing humans which depend on electronic chips to keep them alive eg. artificial limbs.

Am I being watched?

Internet Surveillance is quite the issue. But here is what I think.

The good side...
1. Tries to keep terrorist at bay by checking out sites like 'how to make bombs' and 'We hate ****** ****. We want to kill him!
2. Tries to keep hackers from hacking into confidential files etc.
3. National security.

The bad side...
1. Intrusion of privacy for the sake of national security. Does the government really want to know you spend on $300 bucks on your visa for some condoms and a sex toy?
2. Giving authorities the absolute supremacy to do whatever they want.
3. Identifying terrorist at the risk of the non-terrorist internet users such as me and hopefully you too.

So, there. However, I am leaning more towards the bad side of surveillance...

First, Second, Third Life?...

First it was on CSI:NY and tomorrow, its on SVU. Have television caught on with Second Life?

Second Life is no longer just a online virtual community where people to go to escape reality, Second Life is really... well, second life. I don't think there's any other way of putting it. Television series like CSI:NY and SVU has taken a different approach to Second Life. Its looking at the negative of Second Life, murder and crime.

The Linden company, the makers and owner of Second Life, have applied the law to their creation. For example; under 18 are not allowed into the Second Life mainland and under 18 have their own island on Second Life where above 18 are not allowed in. However, who's to know? Virtual communities can't exactly track down all minors in the mainland and more importantly, all the pidophiles in the under-18 island.

Has Second Life become reality, with all the ugly bits? Are Second-Lifers gonna come up with Third Life? A virtual community within an already virtual community?

Blogs = Billboards?

As mentioned in the post before this, bloggers have made fame and fortune through words on computer screens. Kenny Sia from Malaysia and XiaXue from Singapore, have become national stars in their own countries.

More and more bloggers have ads on their blogs as a source of income. Nuffnang proclaims to themselves as the first Asian's first blog advertising community. Have bloggers turn into advertising billboards of the cyber world?

Blogs: From elections to nose jobs.

Have you ever stayed up late and watched those silly infomercials? There is this single exercise machine which can target and part of your body, and there is the Magic Bullet that can make you anything from a frozen Margarita to an omelet, not forgetting the inspirational DVD box set that can make you a million dollars or just make you feel richer in spirit.

Well these are what blogs are to me, multi functional, informative, can be used positively and negatively, can benefit both blogger and reader, and the list goes on. Today you can find blogs from various sectors, from sex blogs to political blogs. This new age online diary has taken the world by storm, what happen to the days when the diary was a secret book of your thought that you would hide under your pillow? Everyone and anyone have the supremacy to read your blog. If it was personal, then why publish it?

Has our virtual world evolved into a parallel universe of thoughts? Well I can only make sense that the users of the internet are beginning to break free of the chains of constrain, especially in those political blogs, where privacy is not an issue. They can’t say it in newspapers, radio or on television, therefore it’s the internet to the rescue!

In Malaysia many ‘out-spoken’ bloggers found their way into the saying everything and anything they want to say in their blogs. The consequences: they are caught and prosecuted by the government. One of the Malaysian political blogger, Jeff Ooi even ran for the recent election. However, our Prime Minister made a comment on bloggers, unfortunately not very positive ones, especially to those left-wingers…

Here are some articles that might be interesting..
In Malaysia, Bloggers become Politicians
Malaysian Political Bloggers form Alliance

On the other hand, there are bloggers such as the likes of Kenny Sia, escape these sort of ‘prosecutions’ by being commercial and actually having quite a wide fan base. Not bad for a Chinese guy who spend a good chunk of his life in Australia and started his blog when he had to go back to Malaysia due to family problems ( I know that because my girlfriend is one of his ‘fans’). And now, he writes a column for a Malaysian magazine and is also the host of Dream Girls, Malaysia’s version of America’s Next Top Model and plays the part of Simon in American Idol.

Another example is XiaXue, a Singaporean blogger who is one of the top bloggers in the world. She is as controversial as an Asian female blogger can get. Being politically incorrect and pink fluffed, she made many entries about how ugly people are, penis sizes and about her nose job.

So, do bloggers really have the freedom of speech? Does our IP address or our nationality determine what we can say or what we cannot say? But what I can say is, we can be politically incorrect and be absolutely charming and we have the big bucks rolling in… and that my friends, will be my next entry…

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Talk to me

When I was about 12 years old I began using the computer and surfing the internet, I discovered chat engines such as ICQ, Yahoo Messenger, and MSN Messenger, these engines became my portal of communicating with friends whom I knew and also a place to meet new people. I divided my friends by the chat engines which I used, for instance;

  • ICQ was used to meet new people and talk to friends overseas
  • Yahoo Messenger was used to talk to my family members or far relatives
  • MSN Messenger was used to talk to my friends specifically

Thinking back, I do not know why I divided those whom I talk to via the internet into 3 specific groups, the only logic I could draw from this division is that I trusted certain chat engines more than others. For example, the level of security and privacy that MSN provides is much higher than ICQ, much more personal information is reveled through ICQ.

In regards to talking to people I know, I try to keep my conversation as formal as possible, I dislike using emoticons (Smiley, Frown, Cry) I recon that whatever that needs to be said can be said through the use of words. I also find it rather offensive to use short hands (TTYL-talk to you later, BRB – be right back, LMAO- laugh my ass off), from my experience I realize that not many people understand these short hands, trust me I found out the hard way. Using terms such as the above may save time and so forth, however if I were to talk to my parents back home over MSN they wouldn’t have a clue what TTYL meant.

Giving out personal information over the internet is a silly thing to do, there have been multiple cases of teenage girls/boys getting robbed, raped, and harmed by these so called internet stalkers whom pose as sincere guys/girls looking for an honest relationship, these vulnerable victims end up being lured into giving out their personal information (Phone numbers, Address, Account numbers).

Being an international student, using chat engines to communicate may seem like the easiest and most cost effective way to communicate with my family and friends from around the world, however I still prefer talking to them over the phone or face to face.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Friendster VS Facebook VS ME

I declare the battle between Friendster and Facebook a tied failure!

These are my reasons why?

When the whole craze of Friendster arose within my friends when I was in high school, I found it rude and appalling to have a webpage of which the users of the internet could view you and judge you, however on the other side of my critic I grew ever interested in this new age of keeping in contact with friends you meet everyday and even more friends whom you have lost contact with.

Virtual communities, the bright side lies upon the fact that you can relate to other on various levels, for instance same interest or even similarities in the choice of clothing brands. However my interest only lasted as long as a Castle St. party would, it faded away as I began to realize that there were so many users whom portrayed them selves in other people shoes. My friends weren’t really my friends, in a sense that their profiles were written clearly to attract people; there were advertisements on the internet the only difference is they do not keep on popping up on your desktop asking you some silly question.

Just recently the craze of Facebook has taken over, it’s a level or may I say a thousand levels above Friendster is and will ever be. How did this happen? Whatever it may have been that cause this up roar, I openly believe that these examples of virtual communities is a platform of which user indulge in to feel god about them selves.

I hope I have not offended anyone, but I still believe in reality, the dying truth!

The Broken Condom

Various important sectors that service our public daily use the innovations of computers and the internet to store, transfer, and compile raw data. Information traveling across the internet does not really have to worry about worldly problem such as an accident, speeding tickets, or a broken condom, in fact the faster it travels across to the receiver the better. With this in mind, how safe is our personal information such as bank account number or passwords?

It has prevailed to be extremely convenient to use the internet to purchase products online, and do a little banking; however with the rise of hackers over the years how safe are we?

It reads on the back of a condom packet that it will not act as a 100% contraceptive, in this regard how much do you trust keying in your credit card number and pin onto an online account to purchase pornography or a teddy bear? The internet maybe such a wonderful place, however just like reality all things must come to and end.

Hackers = Criminals

I always had this image of hackers as, overweight, mid 30’s, jobless, however very intelligent people who are angry with the world and have an awful amount of free time on their hands. “An idle mind is the devils work shop”

As human beings we tend to find interesting yet odd ways to amuse out selves during the little intermissions in our life which I like to call BUMMING TIME. Within these periods we figure out ways to either enjoy our life or simply make the life of other beings a living hell.

Hackers exist for various reasons; however no good can come about hacking into another person’s life. Nothing is safe regardless of it being in reality or virtual reality the both lives that many of us lead is constantly under surveillance.

The Hibernating Population

I believe the world has fallen asleep and woken up within the walls of this great epiphany know as the internet. Day by day we indulge our self in this unbelievably realistic world of communicating with the world, for example the emergence of networks on the internet has made it possible for the communication of people of the same culture, interest, idea, and language.

With the availability of the internet and the convenience it has grown into, it isn’t common that people spend more than 12 hours a day online. Whether it maybe logged onto a chat engine or just plainly surfing the net, many of us have become more comfortable in this virtual platform that we have in reality. Being logged onto the World Wide Web allows users to crate a façade that may sometimes be a perfect reflection of themselves in reality or just a modified image of what they would like to be.

This mentioned scenario could possible relate to the concept of users, networks and structures.


  • Ordinary human begins who choose or are influence to live a second life (virtual).
  • People whom face segregation from society.
  • Groups of individual who do not fit into the characteristics of being normal.


  • Online society platforms that suggest and support certain groups.
  • General platforms which users can join or form a group.
  • Online database that host a platform to keep in contact or make new friends.
  • Gaming platforms


  • Forum leaders, bloggers, online journalist and other forms of web host.

These 3 categories work in accord to create a virtual world of which users can relate to on a daily basis.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Space Between

Have you ever watched a horror movie on mute? Well I tried it out awhile ago and it wasn’t as scary as it was with the sound on. I wondered to my self as I gazed upon the ongoing images on the screen, the dark unforeseen spaces on the screen seem to be so calm, placing that horror movie on mute somewhat took it away from its intended genre.

With this in mind I pondered upon the various mediums that surround our everyday life, from visual, to sound, all the way to fine prints that you find on almost every government or company form. To my understanding all these mediums compliment each another in some sort of way, however how do these mediums perform on its own? How do they generate the power to be a single entity?

Try this!!

Watching television with you eyes close.

Closing your eyes at a busy intersection *DO NOT CROSS THE ROAD* and try to divide all the sounds that you hear.

Watch the news on mute and try and figure out what is going on.

Admire a contemporary painting with loud colors firstly with classical music in the background and secondly with mind boggling gothic rock music.


To conclude here is some visual art which I found very intriguing from the

Hirshhorn Modern Art Gallery


Monday, March 3, 2008

Wake - COMS 205

I love this class and my gf is jealous *she's a semi-mainstream blogger* this is going to be pretty interesting